2024: The twenty twenty fourest year of allAs long as I’ve been doing the one-off year-end lists, I’ve felt compelled to comment on the downward slide of society and the world in…Jan 9Jan 9
2023: Twelve Months or Fifty-Two Weeks of Three-Hundred Sixty-Five Days In The LifeThis year, we move from fashionably late to just plain late because having two weeks off when your 3-year old also has two weeks off is…Jan 12, 2024Jan 12, 2024
2022: The New AbnormalDoing these year-end wrap ups (or new year retrospectives, given the timing) is becoming as much of a chore as it is a comfort, partly…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023
2021: What kind of year has it beenI’ve been late out of the blocks than most year-end lists since I stopped blogging for many reasons, but I don’t think that the state of…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
2020: The Blurst Of Times.For a variety of practical reasons I’ve been posting my year-end lists after the year in question actually ends, but this time it’s just…Jan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021
2019: The end of all that and the beginning of this.It had completely escaped my notice until just a few weeks ago — when the deluge of lists and retrospectives that filled my news and…Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
2018: A year that did not immediately lend itself to a crafty, punny headlineSo it turns out that a few weeks ago was the fifth anniversary of my shutting down the blog, and while it had previously occurred to me…Dec 28, 2018Dec 28, 2018
2017: Re/Unions (Once in a lifetime)Know what’s funny? As I was drafting this piece in my head (well, actually putting finger to keyboard, as it’s been percolating upstairs…Jan 5, 2018Jan 5, 2018
2016: Ch-Ch-Ch-ChangesA year-end list that’s not just completely unnecessary, but late to the party as well!Jan 10, 2017Jan 10, 2017